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I am an ADHD Coach and have spent half my life helping others manage their relationships, emotions, and behavior patterns in a variety of settings and circumstances.
I have an MA in Education and have been a Classroom Teacher in a self-contained behavior classroom. I worked with individuals with trauma and behavioral struggles, including communication differences and severe aggressive behaviors in multiple settings. I believe that a combination of meeting needs, combatting shame, and fostering self-acceptance is the foundation for behavioral change.
I myself have ADHD and have spent my life developing structures and strategies to cope with my symptoms. I have spent approximately 3 billion* hours online researching ADHD and will continue to do so until we understand every last part of it! *this may or may not be an exaggeration.
In addition to working with individuals, I work with organizations, providing mediation, conflict resolution, training, and coaching. I am passionate about connection and community, including creating a community of people who are learning to connect to each other and to themselves


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